Momentum Bookkeeping Services

Credit Control Credit Control

The hardest thing in business is winning new work and getting a new client.

But it often feels that actually getting paid for the work you have done is a close second. If you sell goods or services on credit, you are effectively giving your customers an interest free overdraft. Managing this via good credit control procedures is critical. And the key to good credit control is accurate and up to date information.

How Momentum Bookkeeping can help

We are more than just a bookkeeper.  We can run credit control for your business as an extra service that allows you to focus on that most challenging of things – getting new clients.

What we will do is:

  • Request remittance advices from customers where required.
  • Email customer statements on an agreed date each month.
  • Issue a reminder email, on an agreed date, for any overdue invoices.
  • Update your bank on our software on a weekly (or daily if required basis), to ensure that your debtors are as up to date as possible.
  • Provide you with a weekly Aged Debtor report and highlight any issues that we have identified.

We are called Momentum Bookkeeping because we want our clients to be able to grow and develop without the constraints of having to deal with the time consuming hassle of doing their own bookkeeping in house.  We handle the credit control for many of our existing customers as it helps them to focus on what is really important to them.

If that sounds like it is of interest to you then the first step is to get in touch. We can happily answer any and all questions you may have about your bookkeeping and credit control needs as well as provide examples of what we have done for existing clients in the past. Simply get in touch and we can take it from there.

Credit Control Initial Enquiries

While you may not love bookkeeping, we do. So if you want to discuss our credit control services that are tailored to suit what you need to get on with running your business, our door is always open.

Call or email us and lets start to build some momentum in your business.

Momentum Bookkeeping Ltd
Mentieth House, 29 Park Circus, Glasgow, G3 6AP
Call. 0141 375 1240